Telephone or In-Person Bankruptcy Counseling

Prior to filing for personal bankruptcy, individuals are required to complete a pre-filing bankruptcy counseling session. This provision of federal bankruptcy law ensures that individuals understand all of their options and that they have the necessary knowledge and tools to develop a sound financial plan for the future.

To Schedule an In-Person Bankruptcy Counseling Appointment:
  • In-person counseling is available for residents of Pennsylvania at one of our five office locations – Altoona, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, and Pittston.
  • Call toll-free +1 (866) 699-2227 to schedule your appointment
What You Will Gain from This Session:
  • A determination of your net income and expenses for an average month
  • Ways to balance your expenses against your income
  • A personalized action plan to provide you with information on:
    • Ways to increase your income and/or cut back on expenses
    • State and national resources that may be of assistance
    • Helpful money management strategies
    • Possible options for dealing with your debt
When Will I Get my Certificate?
  • Upon completion of the session, the counselor will issue you a certificate that is required in order to proceed.
  • Your certificate will be mailed to you and faxed to your attorney.
What is the Cost for the Counseling Session?
  • $50 if you wish to have a Telephone or In-Person counseling session.
  • $30 if you use the Agency’s Online Bankruptcy Counseling module.
  • A debit card or money order is the only acceptable form of payment. Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted
  • If you are a married couple filing a joint bankruptcy, each of you must complete the required bankruptcy counseling session in its entirety. There are no additional charges for a married couple if both parties participate in the same counseling session. If you choose to complete the counseling in separate sessions, each person is charged individually.
  • In limited circumstances, you may be eligible to have this fee waived if you meet certain income guidelines. If you believe you may qualify to have the fee waived, contact us toll-free at 1-866-699-2227. Counseling is offered regardless of the participant’s ability to pay.