Learn Money Management Skills & Earn Your Bankruptcy Certificate

Pre-Discharge Bankruptcy Course, You’re One Step Away From Being Financially Free!
If you’re nearing the end of your bankruptcy, AdvantageCCS provides the tools and education needed to feel confident at managing your money better than ever before.

With bankruptcy education and support from AdvantageCCS, you’ll be more prepared than ever to overcome your bankruptcy, receive your bankruptcy certificate and regain control over your financial future. For more than 50 years, AdvantageCCS, a non-profit organization, has educated thousands of people on budget development, money management and ways to use credit wisely. Now, we’re ready to help you.

Choose From Two Convenient Pre-Discharge Bankruptcy Classes:

Telephone Class

For only $25, you can complete your bankruptcy class over the telephone.

Schedule a Class

Most Preferred Method

Online Education Class

For only $25, complete your bankruptcy classes online, from the comfort of your own home.

Already signed up? Return to your session.


When Bankruptcy Certificates Are Issued:

  • Within three business days of confirmed completion of the Online class.
  • At the conclusion of the Telephone class.

Pre-Discharge Bankruptcy Classes Cover the Following Topics:

Budget Development

  • Setting short-term and long-term financial goals
  • Calculating gross and net monthly income
  • Determining monthly expenses

Money Management

  • Keeping sufficient financial records
  • Distinguishing between wants and needs
  • Smart shopping tips
  • Maintaining adequate insurance coverage
  • Saving for emergencies, periodic expenses and goals

Wise Use of Credit

  • Identifying types, sources and costs of credit
  • Identifying the warning signs of unmanageable debt
  • Understanding appropriate uses of credit
  • Exploring alternatives to using credit
  • Understanding your credit score and credit report

Other Topics:

  • Consumer Protection Laws
  • Consumer Resources
  • Alternatives to additional borrowing in times of unanticipated events
  • Seeking advice from public and private service agencies for assistance

Costs For Pre-Discharge Bankruptcy Classes:

  • The class fee is $25 per person. Advantage Credit Counseling accepts debit card payment made via the phone or money orders, cashier checks or Western Union. We do not accept personal checks.
  • In limited circumstances, the class registration fee may be waived if you fall within certain income guidelines. Documented proof of income must be submitted prior to registering for a class. If you feel you may qualify to have the fee waived, please contact the Education Department, toll-free at 866-699-2227.
  • You must have already completed the pre-filing bankruptcy counseling session and have been issued a pre-filing bankruptcy certificate and case number prior to taking this class. If you are uncertain when to take the pre-discharge bankruptcy class, please contact your attorney.

Approved States for Bankruptcy Counseling & Education

Available in all states, excluding Alabama and North Carolina.

Advantage Credit Counseling Service is approved by the Executive Office of the United States Trustee (EOUST) to provide the required pre-discharge bankruptcy education class and issue certificates.

ACCS is approved by the Executive Office of the Unites States Trustee to issue certificates in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code. Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of the Agency’s services.

States Serviced

States Serviced