Many people have never been taught the fundamentals of credit responsibility and proper money management. Without formal education about debt consolidation & consumer credit counseling, it’s difficult to make well-informed financial decisions. At Advantage CCS, we believe that financial education and our many services are powerful tools in preventing money management mishaps. We show you ways to manage your money and to use credit wisely. The following articles listed below are the education resources you need to gain better understanding of debt consolidation, consumer credit counseling, and proper money management. We hope that you find these articles informative and helpful!
Education Library
Latest from the Education Library

Which college savings plan is right for you?
All parents worry about the future for their children. That’s a given fact! While it’s commonly said that for most people a home purchase is the largest investment they’ll ever make, a parent’s investment in their child often exceeds the cost and financial complexity of a real estate transaction. Of all the expenses parents face […]
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Credit Reports and Credit Scores Explained
Many people have not looked at their credit report in years. Some may not even know what their credit score is at all. It’s so important to know your current credit score and what’s on your credit report. They follow you around like a shadow and there’s no getting rid of them. They will be […]
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A Guide To Creating The Best Budget
What is a budget and what can it be used for? A budget is a forecast of income and expenditures. Merriam-Webster defines a budget as “a statement of the financial position of an administration for a definite period of time based on estimates of expenditures during the period and proposals for financing them.” They go […]
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