Knowing how to properly manage your finances and stick to a budget you have set in place is not always an easy feat, especially if you are not particularly great when it comes to handling money. With a few tips and resources, prepare your budget for the summer to avoid missing out on savings opportunities […]
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Affordable Ways to Cool Down Your House in the Summer
Summer is here and so is the squelching heat! We are all going to make the most of these few precious months of warmth before the harsh winter rolls in. While it is great to break out in those shorts and flop around the beach or pool in sandals. The fact remains that a house […]
Continue Reading12 Things You Wish Your Parents Told You About Money
Managing your finances properly can be a tricky business, especially if a person is fresh out of high school or college. He or she might have a new job and a checking account. They might think they are ready to take on the world, but that new income might suffer as a result of improper […]
Continue ReadingHow To Save Money At A Farmers Market
Shopping at a farmers market is a great way to eat a healthier diet while also supporting your local farmers and agriculture. Unfortunately, the pricing of locally grown fresh produce can be slightly more expensive than what you would spend at a local grocery store and this often turns people off from shopping local. Shopping […]
Continue Reading10 Financial Lessons You Need To Know Before You Hit 40
Learning to manage money and make good financial decisions does not come naturally to many people. Young adults are often tempted to put off these lessons until some future date, assuming they have many years ahead to earn an income and actually prepare for the future. Most of us have made some financial missteps along […]
Continue ReadingEasy Ways To Save Money Without Even Thinking About It
If you think saving money is too hard or too time-consuming, then this post is for you. There are some great “no-brainer” ways to save money that are posted all over the Internet nowadays. We’re going to show you some easy ways to save money that you don’t even need to think about. You’ll learn […]
Continue ReadingHow To Live On A Budget: 6 Tips From The Great Depression
“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” ― Boyd K. Packer The Great Depression era was a tragic period in history because of the devastating effects that it had on the economy, stock market, and banks. But what most people who lived through it remember the most about it is the shock […]
Continue ReadingHow to Save Money for a Rainy Day
Saving money for a rainy day may seem impossible at times. Everything around us seems to be increasing in price, yet your pay probably remains stagnant. Everyone should attempt to put away money for an emergency, even if it’s only a little at a time. If you don’t already have one, then you probably often […]
Continue ReadingLearn How To Budget Your Expenses The Right Way
The word “budget” gets tossed around a lot, from the mom who tells her teen that a new gaming system is not “in the budget,” to the school officials who moan that “the annual budget was cut”. How to budget effectively, however, remains a mystery to many people. Their financial records are a bewildering jumble of […]
Continue ReadingHow to Reuse Old Clothes to Save Money
Most people want to find different ways of saving money to make extra room in their budget for other types of expenses. Reusing old clothes is an ideal way of changing up your wardrobe and avoid spending more on new pieces. As we turn over our closets to prepare for each season, we’re often left […]
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