Tag: Savings

20 Effective Ways To Save Money In College

Attending college may offer you some of the best years of your life, especially if you intend to live on campus. Tuition and cost of living, however, is not precisely economical, regardless of your major or your choice of university. Have you ever heard anyone say “I’m as broke as a college student”? There’s a […]

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Creative and Crazy Ways to Save More Money

There are always ways to cut costs and save money, for those who have sufficient motivation and are willing to look for ways to get their financial houses in order. There are “no-brainer” ways to save money all over the Internet, but I think those are pretty boring, so I’m not going to discuss those money saving tips. […]

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How To Make S.M.A.R.T. Financial Goals

Goals are dreams or wishes that could come true – if you work really hard at them. If your financial goals are specific enough, they will motivate you to balance your spending and savings in order to reach your objectives. If you don’t set financial goals, you will find yourself saying “I wish I had…” later […]

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Top Money-Saving Tips When Your Income Is Inconsistent

Saving money is understandably a top financial goal, but it also may be a goal that you struggle with regularly. While saving money is a challenge for many people, your income structure may make this task even more difficult for you. When you read through common money-saving tips, you inevitably find tips that say to […]

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7 Helpful Lessons Learned From A Lemonade Stand

Just about every person in the country either owned a little lemonade stand with their friends when they were a kid or they knew someone else who owned one. What those people didn’t know was that they were learning valuable financial lessons that would help them later on in life and business. The following are […]

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