No matter what your income level is, learning how to budget and save a little money each month is a valuable skill. If you’re dealing with a change in income, mounting debt or have exhausted your emergency fund due to an unexpected need, then saving will help you regain financial health. If you are struggling […]
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Top 10 Money-Saving Tips for Summer
Summer is fast approaching and it can be one of the most expensive seasons because everyone wants to be outside, and they want to do something fun. Having a fun Summer doesn’t mean you have to break your budget. Luckily, when the weather gets warm, the deals get hot. Follow these 10 tips on the best […]
Continue Reading15 Things You’re Spending Too Much Money On
Some everyday items are a necessity, but others are just out of habit or a want, not a need. There are many ways to ensure that a person stays within the lines of their budget each month. One of the easiest options is to avoid paying too much money for an item when they don’t […]
Continue Reading7 Expenses to Cut from your Budget
Almost everybody is looking to live within a budget these days, either to live in the manner they would like or to save for a specific life goal, such as a wedding or college. Certain aspects of a budget can be difficult to stick to, including the need for new items to replace old […]
Continue ReadingTake Your Financial Future into Your Own Hands
Guest Blog Post By Katie Bryan, America Saves Communications Director America Saves Week, February 23 – 28, 2015, is the perfect time to review your finances, set your savings goals for the year, and set up a system that will allow you to save automatically. That’s why the America Saves Week theme is – Set […]
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February is the “month of saving” and it’s all thanks to an organization called America Saves. Every February they have America Saves Week (#ASW2015) where they ask companies, organizations, and individuals to participate and pledge to save more money this year. America Saves Week is coordinated by America Saves and the American Savings Education Council. Started in 2007, […]
Continue Reading6 Ways To Save a Dollar a Day
Today in the world we live in people are having a hard time managing their money and keeping track of their monthly expenses. Sometimes the money that we are spending is necessary, but other times we can prevent impulse buys and put an end to over-spending if we try hard. In most cases, a person […]
Continue ReadingHow to Enjoy the Weekend for FREE
The weekend is almost here, and you are probably looking for something fun to do. Maybe it’s a backyard party, an art gallery crawl, a wine mixer, or even hitting up your favorite theme park. If you happen to be on a tight budget right now and trying to get your personal finances in order, […]
Continue Reading10 Ways to Save Money in College
Have you ever heard anyone say “I’m as broke as a college student”? There’s a good reason for that saying. Most college students aren’t earning enough money to make ends meet, or they spend what money they do have rather poorly. We’re going to show you 10 different ways to save money in college: 1. […]
Continue ReadingHow to Build a $1,000 Emergency Fund in 10 Months
Do you have $1,000 set aside for emergencies? If you already do, you could probably use another $1,000 in that emergency fund. Experts recommend keeping, at least, three months expenses in a reliable, liquid account – though even an extra $1,000 can be a life-saver. But finding $1,000 to save isn’t always easy. That’s why we’ve […]
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