Tag: Mortgage

Understanding The Pros And Cons Of Adjustable And Fixed Rate Mortgages

In the realm of home financing, one of the pivotal decisions prospective homeowners face is whether to opt for an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) or a fixed-rate mortgage (FRM). Both options come with distinct advantages and drawbacks, and understanding them thoroughly is crucial for making an informed choice that aligns with your financial goals and circumstances. Let’s […]

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How To Fight & Win Against A Home Foreclosure

Today people have been increasingly struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments. Even if you’re not one of them, you may know someone facing a home foreclosure. With almost every state declaring a foreclosure crisis, knowing how to fight and win against home foreclosure is essential. Foreclosure is not something that happens overnight. Many […]

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5 Big Mistakes To Avoid As A First-Time Home Buyer

Every year, millions of Americans buy a house for the first time. This is called being a “First-Time Home Buyer” and it can be a very exciting time in your life. Your family can enjoy the new space together on many occasions. The problem with this concept, though, is that there are hundreds of mistakes […]

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What Are The Pros & Cons Of Paying To Lock In Mortgage Rates?

There are pros and cons to consider when it comes to locking in mortgage rates. On the one hand, paying to lock in a rate can provide peace of mind and protection from rising rates. On the other hand, there is always the potential that rates could fall after you’ve locked in, leaving you with […]

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Is A Wave Of Foreclosures Coming In The Near Future?

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the past year for most homeowners has been anything but ordinary. The unemployment rate has skyrocketed, and many people have been worried about reaching a point where they’ll be unable to make their mortgage payments. For many people, foreclosures could be happening in the near future. While government […]

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How To Know If A Reverse Mortgage Is Right For You

A reverse mortgage is a loan. Unlike forward mortgages, which are used in buying a home, you don’t need to make any loan payments when it comes to the reverse mortgage. The loan becomes due if a borrower dies, sells their home, or moves permanently. The government requires lenders to structure a transaction, so the […]

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Home Equity – What Is It and What Can You Do With It?

The majority of homeowners do not own their homes. They do not have the amount of capital required to buy their homes in cash, and they, therefore, seek mortgages from certified mortgage lenders. They are co-owners with the lenders for as long as the mortgage is outstanding and not paid-in-full. Home equity is the difference […]

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New Survey Reveals Top Barriers To Homeownership

The 2019 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey reveals the most significant obstacles faced by prospective homeowners, underscoring the need for homebuyer counseling and education. As Financial Literacy Month is recognized throughout the nation in April, Advantage Credit Counseling Service and the National Foundation for Credit Counseling® (NFCC®) are working together to spotlight the results of the […]

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It’s All About Property Taxes And Reassessment

As many as 60 percent of properties across the country are over-assessed, according to the National Taxpayers Union, a nonprofit group that promotes lower taxes. Many people don’t fully understand what a reassessment is and what it could mean for your property taxes. What is a reassessment? – Let’s start with the definition of Reassessment […]

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How to Build a Strong Financial House with Housing Counseling

For most Americans, buying a home is the largest purchase they will make in their lifetime. But it’s not enough to know what neighborhood, style of house, or square footage you want. Consumers also need to have their financial affairs in order prior to considering homeownership. A consumer’s financial history and credit rating are two […]

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