Tag: Money Management

Learn 8 Money Lessons From Billionaires

It sure would be nice to be a Billionaire, wouldn’t it? While I can’t promise that you’ll start earning millions of dollars or win the lottery, I can share with you 8 money lessons that some Billionaires believe in and follow on a daily basis. Following these money lessons won’t make you rich, but they […]

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Money Problems and Stress: How to Manage Both

It seems like money problems and stress go hand-in-hand. It’s hard to have one without the other. So what’s a person with money problems AND stress supposed to do? How can you manage your finances while trying to manage your stress level too? I’m going to give you some advice on how to not only […]

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7 Ways to Stop Impulse Buying

Impulse buying can be a very dangerous compulsion. It involves spending money on unnecessary items immediately. There is NO prior planning beforehand, no long or hard thoughts put into the decision. The common theory is that consumers only purchase small items on impulse such as candy, magazines, or snacks. However, recent worrying news is that […]

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Advantage CCS is Updating and Expanding our Free Online Budgeting Tool

Advantage CCS is offering a completely free Online Budget Advisor tool in order to help consumers everywhere with creating and maintaining a realistic household budget. The Online Budget Advisor tool allows individuals to go through a simple step-by-step process that can offer recommendations about budget areas that may need improvement. There are certain events in […]

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Free Online Budgeting Tool from Advantage Credit Counseling Service

Learning to live on a fixed income can sometimes be a difficult transition to make. Whether you’ve gone from 2 incomes down to 1, are faced with recent job loss, or maybe retirement is the cause. Establishing a budget can help identify the resources you have to access, the responsibilities you have to pay and the expenses […]

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Why Budgets Are So Important To Have

Budgets are very important in this day and age with the struggling economy going the way it is. You may have asked yourself before “Do I really need to create a budget?” The short and simple answer is YES! We’ll list some obvious reasons why we think budgets are so important and maybe some not […]

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Advantage CCS wants consumers to know that the Online Budget Advisor tool is now FREE!

Advantage CCS has some very exciting news that we would like to announce: The Agency’s online Budget Advisor tool is now FREE to the public. This online budgeting analysis tool was previously available for $4.95 but Advantage Credit Counseling Service has completely gotten rid of any and all fees! The consumer can now use this […]

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5 Smart Money Management Decisions

These are difficult times that we are living in right now. We all know that many jobs have been lost, savings have most likely been annihilated, and home values have deflated all over the country. If you haven’t experienced any of these things, then count yourself as being very lucky. The mere threat of any […]

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