Tag: holiday shopping

Smart Savings: A Guide To A Debt-Free Thanksgiving This Year

The holiday season is synonymous with joy, gratitude, and celebration. However, for many, it also brings the stress of overspending and accumulating credit card debt. Thanksgiving, a time for family gatherings and feasts, doesn’t have to break the bank. With a bit of planning and some savvy strategies, you can enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving without […]

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How To Be Frugal During The Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, people are starting to draft their budget plans for the upcoming festivities. This year the average holiday shopper is expected to spend close to $800 or more for gifts. About half of those people will also spend an average of $150 on items for themselves. If your goal is to […]

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Great Ways To Save Money This Easter

Easter is almost here! Are you ready? If not, don’t run to the stores and mess up your monthly budget just yet! We’ve got some great ideas that will save you money this year! Like any holiday that caters to children, Easter can become quite the money pit for families. Particularly if there are multiple […]

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Should You Take Advantage of Layaway Programs?

Layaway programs may seem like something from the past or something your parents may have talked about around the holidays, but most of these programs are still alive and kicking. Every layaway program has its fair share of Pros and Cons that you must consider before signing on that dotted line. I’m going to list […]

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10 Pitfalls of Online Shopping

Christmas may be right around the corner (71 days to be exact), but not everyone is ready for walking those long walks through parking lots, and fighting through crowds that are not as cheerful as you’d expect people to be during the season. Those are just a few reasons why many people have taken up […]

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