Tag: foreclosure

Six Important Documents Filed In A Foreclosure Proceeding

A foreclosure proceeding is a legal process that allows homeowners to catch up on delinquent mortgage payments. In addition to the mortgage payments in arrears, other charges may be attached to the mortgage. These additional charges must also be paid in full before the title of ownership of the property can be transferred back to […]

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Smart Things To Consider When Buying A Home To Help Avoid Foreclosure

There are many things to think about when buying a home. However, one thing that is often overlooked is what could happen if you end up in foreclosure. Foreclosure is not only costly but also damaging, so it’s important to do everything you can to avoid it. This blog post will discuss three smart things […]

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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Getting A Reverse Mortgage?

If you have a mortgage, you may have heard about a way to have a mortgage loan that requires no payment. This may sound surreal, but it is known as a reverse mortgage. As opposed to the traditional mortgage loan that is repaid over time, the reverse mortgage is designed for the homeowner to receive […]

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How To Fight & Win Against A Home Foreclosure

Today people have been increasingly struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments. Even if you’re not one of them, you may know someone facing a home foreclosure. With almost every state declaring a foreclosure crisis, knowing how to fight and win against home foreclosure is essential. Foreclosure is not something that happens overnight. Many […]

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What Is The Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund And How Can It Help You?

The Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund (PAHAF) is a housing-related program funded by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to assist Pennsylvania homeowners facing financial hardship due to the pandemic that began after January 21, 2020 (including a hardship that started before that date and continued after that date). The program provides financial assistance to homeowners […]

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Where Can I Find Free HUD Approved Foreclosure Prevention Counseling?

Owning a home can be a gratifying experience in the life of many people. While homeownership can be an emotionally rewarding experience for an individual or family, it can sometimes be difficult to manage some of the financial matters associated with owning a home. These difficulties may lead to a foreclosure. We’re going to explain […]

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Is A Wave Of Foreclosures Coming In The Near Future?

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the past year for most homeowners has been anything but ordinary. The unemployment rate has skyrocketed, and many people have been worried about reaching a point where they’ll be unable to make their mortgage payments. For many people, foreclosures could be happening in the near future. While government […]

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Home Equity – What Is It and What Can You Do With It?

The majority of homeowners do not own their homes. They do not have the amount of capital required to buy their homes in cash, and they, therefore, seek mortgages from certified mortgage lenders. They are co-owners with the lenders for as long as the mortgage is outstanding and not paid-in-full. Home equity is the difference […]

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How to Build a Strong Financial House with Housing Counseling

For most Americans, buying a home is the largest purchase they will make in their lifetime. But it’s not enough to know what neighborhood, style of house, or square footage you want. Consumers also need to have their financial affairs in order prior to considering homeownership. A consumer’s financial history and credit rating are two […]

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Housing Counseling is Helpful in All Stages of Homeownership

The process of homeownership is a complicated one. Searching for a home, choosing a home, deciding to buy it, and maintaining it can be very difficult. Many individuals strive to understand the choices. Purchasing a home without any experience is scary. Many studies have demonstrated that housing counseling and education for homeowners and potential home […]

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