Tag: Federal Trade Commission

Tax Season Fraud and Identity Theft

Founded by the Federal Trade Commission, Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week sets aside 5 days to encourage and educate taxpayers to protect their tax and personal identification information. As reports show, there was a staggering 400% increase in tax-related phishing attacks during the 2016 filing season. Therefore, it’s important that taxpayers are aware of the […]

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Fair Credit Reporting Improvement Act of 2014

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that regulates the collection, distribution, and use of consumer credit information. Along with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), FCRA forms the base of consumer credit rights in the United States. It was originally passed in 1970, and it’s enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. This seemingly outdated Act may receive […]

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