Whether you find yourself struggling month to month to pay your bills, fear the looming calls from debt collectors or even worry about potentially losing your home or car, it is important to recognize that there is hope. Thousands of Americans face the financial crisis of seemingly overwhelming debt. With the aid of debt management […]
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Debt Consolidation Tips
We all know that debt can be overwhelming and even cause problems among family members due to intense stress and many other factors. If you are looking for ways to get out of debt, then chances are you’ve heard about debt consolidation or debt management plans. We’re going to share some debt consolidation tips with […]
Continue ReadingWhat Is A Debt Management Plan?
We get this question a lot from individuals who are battling debt problems. So we figured that we’d give everyone a fairly in-depth and detailed explanation of what a Debt Management Plan (DMP) really is. The Wikipedia definition is very broad and general, but it states: “A debt management plan is a formal agreement between a debtor […]
Continue ReadingSlideshow: 5 Options for Getting Out of Debt
Getting out of debt, especially credit card debt can be a very difficult task and the stress that goes along with it can be even more taxing. Credit card debt can lead to issues with relationships and family, and has even been known to cause depression. The average number of filings for bankruptcy by businesses […]
Continue ReadingDebt Management Starts With Changing Your Behavior
Do you find yourself deep in debt? Have you enrolled or experimented with any debt settlement programs, but that just left you worse off than before? Are you tired of worrying about money every month? If so, you are not alone. Millions of Americans find themselves in a similar situation every single day. If you […]
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