Tag: debt management

The Best Secret Weapon For Getting Out Of Debt

People will go into debt for different reasons, such as paying for college, buying expensive cars, unforeseen medical issues, divorce, and purchasing a house. However, it can be challenging to get out of debt if you don’t know how to address the situation or overcome it. Because of this, we want to share a “secret […]

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What Happens When Your Credit Card Deferment Has Ended?

With the Coronavirus pandemic wreaking havoc on the US business community and elected leaders requiring some businesses to close, credit cards are being used by consumers and business owners as one of several financial buffers to get through these tough times. Unfortunately, this has created a dilemma for anyone facing credit card debt, or those […]

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Are Debt Consolidation Services Right For You?

Many people have found themselves in tremendous debt with no idea how to get out of it. Some lost control of their spending on clothes, entertainment, or other frivolous things, and others had to use credit cards because they had no other funds for emergencies like a car breaking down or a leaking roof. No […]

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Hidden Fees Can Derail Your Debt Management

Debt management and debt reduction efforts can be difficult for many people. You may find it challenging to pay your bills on time and reducing debt balances can be even more difficult. If you have researched debt reduction strategies in the past, you have found that paying more than the minimum monthly payment required can […]

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The Best Financial New Year’s Resolutions To Make

As one year draws to a close and another year begins, the New Year is a time when many begin to reflect on what they want to accomplish. Many people put personal finances at the top of their list when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions. It’s a dilemma that seems to be plaguing everyone […]

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What Does Credit Counseling Offer A Person In Debt?

Many people in the world are currently overwhelmed with bills they’ve accumulated from unsecured debt like credit cards and loans. When bills go awry, it can be difficult for a person to climb his or her way out from under the debt rock. Fortunately, there is a way to recover from credit card debt issues. […]

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How To Get Out Of Debt Using The Debt Avalanche Method

When you think about the power of an avalanche versus the power of a snowball, which one is greater? The clear winner is the avalanche. So, why would you try the Debt Snowball Method when you can use the Debt Avalanche Method instead to wipe out your debt? Which debt repayment method do you think […]

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Top 10 Money Management Tips To Destroy Debt

If you are struggling with high credit card account balances and other troublesome debt, you understandably may feel stressed and even hopeless. Regardless of your current circumstances, adjusting your money management efforts could help you to turn your financial situation around. Allow these ten essential tips below to guide your debt relief efforts. 1. Scale […]

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Can You Go to Jail Because of Outstanding Credit Card Debt?

People have loaned each other money for thousands of years. As a way to hedge against risk and make money, lenders charge borrowers money through the power of interest. Historically, if borrowers didn’t pay lenders back, lenders would primarily be responsible for recouping their losses. In today’s civilized society, we have courts of law that oversee arguments between people. […]

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