You usually do not get into credit card debt overnight, so you also won’t be getting out of credit card debt overnight either. However, there are some options to help you pay off that debt faster than just making those minimum payments. That method can take upwards of 20 or even 30 years. We’re going […]
Continue ReadingTag: debt management
Is There Really Such a Thing as Good Debt vs. Bad Debt?
If you have ever wondered if “good” debt is real, then you do not need to keep wondering because it most certainly is. Besides debt being considered a bad thing, there are quite a few circumstances where it is a good thing. Below, we’ll go over good debt and bad debt and explain how good […]
Continue Reading10 Must-Do Things After You Finally Become Debt Free
Financial management is an issue that affects everyone, and it’s the job of every individual to make sure that they are doing what they can to get on top of it. Being debt free is a goal that many people work hard to achieve, and when they do – the feeling can be absolutely incredible. […]
Continue ReadingRegain Your Financial Freedom With The Help Of A Debt Management Program
Whether you find yourself struggling month-to-month to pay your bills, fear the looming calls from debt collectors, or even worry about potentially losing your home or car, it’s important to recognize that there is hope. Thousands of Americans face the financial crisis of seemingly overwhelming debt. With the aid of a Debt Management Program through […]
Continue Reading5 Nonconventional Ways Credit Counseling Can Help You
Nonprofit credit counseling can be a form of debt help that many people don’t even think to try. If you are struggling with unmanageable unsecured debt, then credit counseling might be the answer for you. This blog post will discuss five different ways credit counseling can offer assistance in your financial situation. 1) Credit counseling […]
Continue ReadingAvoid Filing For Bankruptcy With These Helpful Alternatives
The economy is tough right now. Unemployment rates are high, and the cost of living continues to rise. With these economic factors in mind, many people are worried about their finances. When you cannot make ends meet day after day, it can be frustrating to have no control over your financial future. This may mean […]
Continue ReadingFantastic Tips On How To Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck
More than ever, individuals and families are experiencing economic hardship. Not only is this due to the Covid-19 pandemic but also the loss of federal assistance programs. Approximately 54% of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Some feel there is no way to stop this endless cycle. However, making several smart changes helps families […]
Continue ReadingThe Best Advice For Debt Management Program Dos And Don’ts
It’s easy to fall behind on credit card debt. Interest rates and late payment fees can keep one in a cycle of debt that feels like running on a treadmill with no end in sight. As a result, many people turn to a non-profit credit counseling service to get on a Debt Management Program (DMP). […]
Continue ReadingThe Best Debt Management Tips & Strategies For Single Mothers
Single mothers are more likely than two-parent couples to face debt, lower credit scores, and bankruptcy. The National Bureau of Economic Research reported that single-mother households were overwhelmingly likely to face poverty. About 85% of single-parent homes are headed by women, and of all the single-parent homes, around 47% were in poverty. Between housing payments, […]
Continue ReadingDebt Reduction Resource: How To Reduce Credit Card Debt The Right Way
It is so easy to find yourself in debt. Whether you lost a job, are not able to pay for student loans, or are having issues keeping your house due to an adjustable rate mortgage, not having enough money on your hands can be a rather difficult situation and can quickly result in you falling […]
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