Credit is one of the most important tools a consumer can have. In today’s society credit is vital to being able to have financial influence and being able to navigate as a consumer. A person has to protect their credit and safeguard it. Once an individual gets labeled as having bad credit, it can be […]
Continue ReadingTag: debt management
Advantage CCS is Updating and Expanding our Free Online Budgeting Tool
Advantage CCS is offering a completely free Online Budget Advisor tool in order to help consumers everywhere with creating and maintaining a realistic household budget. The Online Budget Advisor tool allows individuals to go through a simple step-by-step process that can offer recommendations about budget areas that may need improvement. There are certain events in […]
Continue ReadingCredit Counseling and Budget Counseling FAQs
Individuals who are in debt and are thinking about filing for bankruptcy may want to consider alternatives that are available. One alternative is to seek a credit counseling program or a budget counseling program. Counseling can be a tool that allows consumers to help pay off their debt in as little time as possible. 1. […]
Continue ReadingFree Online Budgeting Tool from Advantage Credit Counseling Service
Learning to live on a fixed income can sometimes be a difficult transition to make. Whether you’ve gone from 2 incomes down to 1, are faced with recent job loss, or maybe retirement is the cause. Establishing a budget can help identify the resources you have to access, the responsibilities you have to pay and the expenses […]
Continue ReadingThe Importance of Consumer Debt Education
When facing crippling debt and an avalanche of past due notices, a consumer’s thoughts often turn towards bankruptcy, a seemingly traditional approach to solving ones financial difficulties in the short-term. In many cases, bankruptcy is only a temporary fix, rather than the cure. The underlying problems continue to exist even if the balance sheets are […]
Continue ReadingWhy You Should Choose a Non-Profit Credit Counseling Agency
A non-profit credit counseling agency can be an excellent choice for consumers who are struggling to pay their bills and fear their credit rating is perhaps slipping. Credit counseling can potentially stop collection calls from harassing creditors and put consumers back on track for having a good credit rating. Most people who have availed themselves […]
Continue ReadingWhy Budgets Are So Important To Have
Budgets are very important in this day and age with the struggling economy going the way it is. You may have asked yourself before “Do I really need to create a budget?” The short and simple answer is YES! We’ll list some obvious reasons why we think budgets are so important and maybe some not […]
Continue ReadingAdvantage CCS wants consumers to know that the Online Budget Advisor tool is now FREE!
Advantage CCS has some very exciting news that we would like to announce: The Agency’s online Budget Advisor tool is now FREE to the public. This online budgeting analysis tool was previously available for $4.95 but Advantage Credit Counseling Service has completely gotten rid of any and all fees! The consumer can now use this […]
Continue ReadingConsumer Credit Counseling Services in California
California is one of the most stringent states when it comes to paying back loans. In California the bankruptcy process is set up against the borrower it would seem, especially if the borrower is a small business owner without enough money for a dedicated team of lawyers. If you are in serious trouble with credit […]
Continue ReadingHow to Find Free Debt Management Help
In today’s failing economy, individuals are finding themselves with many bills that they are unable to pay. The amount of debt is far exceeding most individual’s paychecks leaving them with increased difficulty in meeting their financial obligations. Some individuals find themselves searching for free debt management help and others are facing bankruptcy or foreclosure. When […]
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