Tag: debt issues

Housing Counseling is Helpful in All Stages of Homeownership

The process of homeownership is a complicated one. Searching for a home, choosing a home, deciding to buy it, and maintaining it can be very difficult. Many individuals strive to understand the choices. Purchasing a home without any experience is scary. Many studies have demonstrated that housing counseling and education for homeowners and potential home […]

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How to Choose a Non-Profit Debt Management Company

Finding a good debt management solution becomes extremely important when your only alternatives are bankruptcy or continuing to miss payments and ruining your credit. If you’re in this position currently, there is a bright side to your cloudy financial sky: a non-profit debt management solution. This option involves enlisting the help of an organization that exists to […]

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A Little Preparation Helps When Trying To Get Out Of Debt

Debt is so easy to slip into and so very difficult to get out of. People can find themselves paying more and more of their monthly income to their creditors, leaving less for them and their families to live on. If they want to get out of debt, they need to start by doing some […]

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How To Avoid Foreclosing On Your Home

Foreclosure is when you are unable to keep up with making your monthly mortgage payments on your home. This situation then allows the lender to seize your property, evict you, and then sell the home and keep the proceeds from the sale. This is all stipulated in the mortgage note that you signed. Facing foreclosure […]

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Reduce Your Debt and Stress at the Same Time

Financial trouble is one of the leading causes of stress in adults, and high debt balances are one of the top financial concerns people have. You may have high balances on your credit cards, and you may be stressing out about how you are going to pay them off. In some cases, the amount of […]

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What Happens When You Pay Off A Loan Early?

Living with debt is an expensive and super stressful experience. Though the road may seem long, paying off debts and loans will strengthen your financial future. Nearly every type of loan can be paid off early and there are a few different ways to go about it. You may choose to make larger monthly payments, […]

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A Woman’s Salary and Debt Management

Women, the wage gap, and debt management If you are a woman, you’re more likely to lose money over the course of your working lifetime than your male business counterparts. That’s a scary thought because it’s the truth. The money you don’t make is money you never get to see. It means you’ll have less […]

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Tips to Avoid Late Fees

One household alone can have a dozen or more bills that come in each month. Each bill has a different due date that must be followed or else a penalty occurs. These charges can be more than $25 for each occurrence, and the tardiness is quickly recorded on your credit history. We all know that […]

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How to Get Out of an Upside Down Car Loan

Next to mortgage or rent payments, owning an automobile is the second largest household expense in the United States today. Gas, maintenance, repairs, and insurance can hit our wallets hard each month in addition to regular loan payments on the vehicle itself. Also, hidden within those loan payments, one cost that many of us may […]

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The Debt Snowball Method

For most people, the idea of getting out of debt can seem almost impossible. It can seem unreachable because it can take many years to achieve, even when following the strictest of debt elimination plans. However, paying off debts and credit cards can lead to a better debt-to-income ratio. This is a big factor when […]

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