Tag: debt issues

Hidden Fees Can Derail Your Debt Management

Debt management and debt reduction efforts can be difficult for many people. You may find it challenging to pay your bills on time and reducing debt balances can be even more difficult. If you have researched debt reduction strategies in the past, you have found that paying more than the minimum monthly payment required can […]

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How To Get Out Of Debt All By Yourself

No matter what your current financial situation is, if you signed for a loan, you are obligated to pay it back even if you have a major life-changing event like losing a job or getting a divorce. Many people try to get out of debt, but life slaps them in the face hard enough that […]

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Common Money Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

It can be hard for people to manage their money properly without doing a little research first. There are also BIG mistakes that people can make that will make it even harder for them to manage their money in the future. A life that’s free of debt that allows you and your family to be happy isn’t […]

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Can You Go to Jail Because of Outstanding Credit Card Debt?

People have loaned each other money for thousands of years. As a way to hedge against risk and make money, lenders charge borrowers money through the power of interest. Historically, if borrowers didn’t pay lenders back, lenders would primarily be responsible for recouping their losses. In today’s civilized society, we have courts of law that oversee arguments between people. […]

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How Workplace Financial Wellness Programs Can Help

The 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Employee Financial Wellness Survey found that 54% of employees are stressed about their finances. According to a Country Financial Security Index survey, 67% of Americans worry about their financial future, credit card debt last year hit a record high, and 44% of people can’t come up with $450 to cover an […]

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How To Decompress From Holiday Financial Stress

The holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Dealing with problematic relatives, travel, and planning can all cause a lot of anxiety that catches us off guard each and every year. One of the biggest contributors to the tension during the holidays is budgeting and financial stress. What are a […]

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How To Budget When You Are Broke

If you have a low income or no income right now, then it may seem like it is impossible to set a budget. Budgeting is a lot harder when your income is low. However, there are several things that you can do to live within your means. It takes dedication, hard work, and patience, but you […]

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The Best Way To Handle Payday Loan Debt

More than 12 million Americans take out payday loans every year, and a significant number of these advances go into default. It is estimated that borrowers pay more than nine billion dollars in loan fees and are more susceptible to suffering the snowball effect when accepting the terms of a short-term loan such as a […]

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The Remarkable Benefits of Credit and Bankruptcy Counseling

You’re in debt. Like many other people, you may not be exactly sure how you got here. Maybe you are a recent college graduate with an ample amount of student loans. Or maybe you’re a single parent who has just been laid off due to the difficult economic times and is having trouble making your […]

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Consumer Credit Laws And What You Need To Know About Them

There are certain laws in place specifically meant to help consumers in terms of credit, debt, and the lending industry. The Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA) is a consumer credit law that was enacted in 1968 to ensure that consumers in the United States would receive only fair and honest credit practices. Some examples included […]

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