Tag: debt help

The Top 8 Overlooked Causes of Debt

Debt doesn’t always appear as flashy spending sprees; most often, it is built slowly and silently until it becomes the elephant in the room…that squashes the household. While job loss or medical expenses are well-known reasons for high debt and possible bankruptcy, here are the top eight often overlooked causes of debt: 1. Not Following […]

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Video: Top 10 Warning Signs of Debt

In our latest video, you’ll find friendly Lisa, and she is going to teach you about the top 10 warning signs of debt. We wanted to figure out a way to educate consumers, and we know that a video can do a great job of that. This video is mainly for consumers that may not […]

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Credit Counseling in Virginia and Michigan

Advantage Credit Counseling Service has received approval and licensure for carrying out credit counseling sessions in over forty-three states now. Virginia and Michigan are the most recent states to be a part of the increasingly long list. The Agency is working very hard to become accredited in all fifty states before 2014 hits. Each US state has its own guidelines, rules and systems in place for getting authorized in that […]

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South Carolina has another option for credit counseling

Advantage Credit Counseling Service has just received approval and their license to perform credit counseling sessions and offer, if applicable, a debt management program to consumers who are in debt and living in South Carolina. South Carolina has some of the strictest credit counseling laws in place to help protect its consumers and make sure […]

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How Much is Your Debt Really Costing You?

We have a guest blog post for you from Katie Bryan over at America Saves. We partner with America Saves, because they are a national campaign linking more than 1,000 Non-Profit, government, and corporate groups that encourages consumers to save money and build personal wealth. We stand behind their message and mission. We are always […]

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Free Credit Counseling Could Help You Get Out Of Debt

Debt is an American epidemic that plagues the majority of the population. Sometimes income is no sooner earned than it is spent in trying to get out of debt. Credit cards are the most common culprit. They are relatively easy to obtain and certainly very easy to use. That’s just the problem. Massive credit card […]

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