Tag: Debt Consolidation

The Best Way To Handle Payday Loan Debt

More than 12 million Americans take out payday loans every year, and a significant number of these advances go into default. It is estimated that borrowers pay more than nine billion dollars in loan fees and are more susceptible to suffering the snowball effect when accepting the terms of a short-term loan such as a […]

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The Debt Snowball Method

For most people, the idea of getting out of debt can seem almost impossible. It can seem unreachable because it can take many years to achieve, even when following the strictest of debt elimination plans. However, paying off debts and credit cards can lead to a better debt-to-income ratio. This is a big factor when […]

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The Key Sacrifices to Get Out of Debt

Unlike the common misconception about getting out of debt, it will take much more than just frugality to get it done. Yes, you need to be frugal and spend less, but you also have to make some sacrifices. I’m going to get REAL about how to get out of debt. No more “take lunches to […]

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Debt Consolidation Tips

We all know that debt can be overwhelming and even cause problems among family members due to intense stress and many other factors. If you are looking for ways to get out of debt, then chances are you’ve heard about debt consolidation or debt management plans. We’re going to share some debt consolidation tips with […]

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What Should I Know About Debt Consolidation?

Individuals trying to get financially back on track usually consider some form of debt consolidation. There are three main ways to consolidate debt: Debt Consolidation Loan, Debt Management Program, and Debt Settlement. Let’s start with a debt consolidation loan. This involves getting a loan from one lender with the purpose of paying off multiple creditors. […]

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How to Get out of Debt

The recent recession affected the financial lives of people all over the country. The recession led to much higher rates of unemployment and underemployment. Because of this, many people needed to rely on credit cards to meet all of their financial obligations and pay for emergencies that arose. While this may have been a good […]

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The Value of Credit Counseling in Everyday Life

Credit counseling is often an overlooked free financial tool in our busy everyday lives. We need good credit for everything these days as we transition to less and less cash in our lives. The truth is good credit is not only for financing, but it’s also essential in setting up utilities, getting a cellular phone, […]

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Infographic: Great Money Saving Tips For 2013

We’ve all heard this financial advice before: pack your lunch, skip the coffee shop latte, set up an emergency fund, and grow your retirement savings. But how often do these suggestions translate into dramatically changing your financial future? You may not act on financial advice if you’re puzzled about your overall financial picture. For example, […]

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Why You Should Choose a Non-Profit Credit Counseling Agency

A non-profit credit counseling agency can be an excellent choice for consumers who are struggling to pay their bills and fear their credit rating is perhaps slipping. Credit counseling can potentially stop collection calls from harassing creditors and put consumers back on track for having a good credit rating. Most people who have availed themselves […]

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Consumer Credit Counseling Services in California

California is one of the most stringent states when it comes to paying back loans. In California the bankruptcy process is set up against the borrower it would seem, especially if the borrower is a small business owner without enough money for a dedicated team of lawyers. If you are in serious trouble with credit […]

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