Tag: Credit Score

How to Understand Your Credit Score and Obtain Your Credit Report

A credit score is an important part of your credit history and overall is essential for many purchases, loans and other important financial decisions or transactions. It can help determine a lot of things, such as interest rates that you’ll receive. That’s why it is important to fully understand and know what credit score you […]

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Don’t Miss Out On Free Consumer Credit Reports

Individuals who think they are too busy to inquire about getting free consumer credit reports or that looking at their credit report at least once a year isn’t important, are missing out on something very essential to their financial health. It only takes a few minutes to request a free copy of an individual’s credit […]

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Why Does My Credit Score Matter?

If you have recently applied for a loan or credit card and you were denied, you might be asking yourself, Why does my credit score even matter? Your credit score is a number that is often used by lenders, creditors, banks, and many others to help evaluate and rate how much of a risk you […]

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Majority of consumers are eager for answers to everyday financial questions

The recent Financial Literacy Survey commissioned by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) and the Network of Branded Prepaid Card Association (NBPCA) revealed that 80% of consumers admitted they would benefit from answers to everyday financial questions from a professional. This number reflects a 4% increase from 2011 to 2012. To help consumers stay […]

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