Tag: Credit Score

Guarding Your Credit

With the growing concern about financial fraud and identity theft, getting protected has become more important than ever. It’s imperative to gain awareness on how to effectively look after yourself and your finances in this digital world. Also, in an unstable economy, the sudden loss of a job can create a financial crisis and you […]

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A Woman’s Salary and Debt Management

Women, the wage gap, and debt management If you are a woman, you’re more likely to lose money over the course of your working lifetime than your male business counterparts. That’s a scary thought because it’s the truth. The money you don’t make is money you never get to see. It means you’ll have less […]

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Marrying Someone with Bad Credit

It can be very challenging to build a strong financial future together, even for the most compatible of couples. It’s even more difficult for newlywed couples with very different credit scores to blend their finances and sometimes, it’s even unwise to do so. If your credit is good and your other half’s credit is not, […]

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The High Cost of Rent to Own

The concept of rent to own can be very appealing to people with low credit scores and who are short on cash but wish to purchase new electronics, appliances, or furniture. Rent to own stores make it possible to own items that you may not otherwise be able to afford. Because you don’t have to […]

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The Difference between Hard and Soft Credit Inquiries

Consumers should be very concerned about their FICO scores because they have an influence on loan qualifications to purchase a home, automobile, insurance policy, phone service, and utility services. High and low FICO scores determine the interest rates applied to a loan once it is approved. What consumers may not know is that every time […]

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What is the best debt to credit ratio?

We get asked this question a lot by our current clients and potential clients: “What is the best debt to credit ratio?” First, we must explain what a debt to credit ratio is. To put it in layman’s terms, it is how much you owe versus your total available credit limit. A debt to credit […]

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What Happens if I STOP Paying my Credit Card Debt?

Deciding to stop paying on your credit card debt sets a whole chain of unpleasant events in motion. Over time, the damage that results will haunt the consumer for a number of years. Before entertaining the notion of letting the payments on one or more cards slide, consider what the outcome could be. Penalties and Higher […]

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Understanding What Debt-to-Income Ratio Means

Your debt to income ratio (DTI) is a key component of how healthy your credit is. It has no effect on your actual credit score, but lenders take it into consideration when it comes to applying for a mortgage or other major loans. Lenders use the DTI ratio to help them to calculate how much […]

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Video: Want to Understand Your Credit Score and Obtain a Credit Report?

Video: Want to Understand Your Credit Score and Obtain a Credit Report? You may often hear about how important your credit score is, but do you know what really goes into it? This video will help you understand what a credit score is, how your score can affect your life, how to improve your credit […]

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White Paper: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Your Credit Report

Advantage CCS has released a new White Paper that is meant to educate consumers on how to properly read a credit report and how maintaining a good credit history is essential to their overall financial standing. The White Paper, explains that individuals with bad credit suffer the consequences of either being totally denied for loans […]

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