If credit card companies had it their way, consumers would charge any and every purchase they make every single day of their lives. Unfortunately, that would only be fun until it came time to pay the enormous bill. While it can be difficult to resist temptation from time to time, there are a few excellent […]
Continue ReadingTag: Credit Score
Reasons Why You Might Not Join A Debt Management Program
We’ve been in business for over 50 years now (since June 17th, 1968) so we’ve heard about a million reasons why someone doesn’t want to sign up for a Debt Management Program even though they seem super interested and excited about it. The list includes a few common reasons such as: Monthly payments with Debt […]
Continue ReadingHow To Deal With Negative Credit Report Information
Receiving a negative credit report can be devastating. A good credit score is essential for so many of the financial needs one has in life. A low score can affect the interest rates a person gets when taking out a loan, particularly for a house or car, it can raise insurance rates, and it can […]
Continue Reading6 Things You Need To Know About Interest Rates
Interest rates are an important factor to consider when buying expensive items with a line of credit, applying for a loan, or just using any credit card. In general, those with higher credit scores tend to qualify for a better interest rate than those with lower credit scores. The following are six things consumers should […]
Continue ReadingCredit Scores and How They Came to Be
Prior to the creation of credit scores, financial institutions and lenders would often develop their own creditworthiness score to assess the risk of lending to that particular person. This “score” would vary significantly from one lender to the next. The major issue with this innovative method was that it was based solely on the lender’s […]
Continue ReadingDo You Need Help Building Your Credit Rating?
An individual’s credit rating is an important factor that significantly contributes to their financial well being. Whether an individual is applying for a loan or a new job, their credit rating will be evaluated and could be used for making a final decision. Given the major impact that a credit score has on a person’s […]
Continue ReadingHow To Build A Strong Credit Score
Consumers who know the value of their credit score will work hard to maintain a great score from day one. Those who never learned the importance of their credit score might make financial mistakes that cause them to learn the hard way. Whether a person is building their credit score for the first time or […]
Continue ReadingReasons Why Your Credit Score May Drop
Whether you need money to boost your business or meet your daily personal expenses, access to finance will play an important role in helping you get ahead. However, before you apply for financial assistance, you will need to establish whether you are eligible and if you qualify for the financing you need. Today, a good […]
Continue ReadingWhat you need to know before freezing your credit
Over 143 million Americans had their sensitive personal information exposed to hackers in the recent Equifax data breach. There’s a good chance that you or someone in your household may have been impacted by this historically huge data hack. The bad news: your information is probably already in the hands of hackers that can use […]
Continue ReadingCredit Rating and Loan Applications
Credit rating is a subject grossly misconstrued by many consumers, and it’s largely due to the lack of education provided to young people regarding what credit is, how it’s used, and why it matters. It’s not a subject discussed in the average high school classroom, and many people miss the opportunity to teach their children […]
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