
Tag: Credit Counseling

How To Find Out What Is On Your Credit Card Statement

Credit card statements can be confusing. There are minimum payments, statement balances, and interest rates that show up on a monthly bill, among other things. The banks mail some statements to their customers. They deliver others digitally if the cardholder has opted in to receive electronic statements. There are due dates to worry about and […]

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Helpful Tips To Understand Your Credit Score

A credit score is an integral part of your credit history and overall is essential for many purchases, loans, and other important financial decisions or transactions. It can help determine a lot of things, such as interest rates that you’ll receive or even if you can rent that apartment that you’ve had your eye on. […]

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How To Retire On Very Little Money

Americans are notorious for being terrible savers. More than one-fifth of all United States adults have absolutely nothing stored away for retirement. Nearly four-fifths of all Americans are seriously worried that they will run out of savings before they pass away. Retirees, however, don’t actually need that much money saved up prior to leaving their jobs, kicking back, and relaxing. Most […]

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Helpful Tips on How to Use a Credit Card Responsibly

There are some people that refuse to use credit cards thinking that if they don’t use them, they won’t get into difficult situations. The truth, however, is that credit cards can be powerful tools if they are used properly. They can help you build up your creditworthiness and increase your credit score if you use […]

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How To Decompress From Holiday Financial Stress

The holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Dealing with problematic relatives, travel, and planning can all cause a lot of anxiety that catches us off guard each and every year. One of the biggest contributors to the tension during the holidays is budgeting and financial stress. What are a […]

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Ridiculously Simple Ways To Improve Your Finances

Personal finance articles and websites contain plenty of helpful pieces of advice to take control of a difficult financial situation and learn how to improve it. Unfortunately, many of the methods are either excessively complex or do not pertain to an individual’s or family’s real-life circumstances. These people want answers that work for them. Luckily, […]

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Free Credit Counseling Can Relieve the Stress of Debt

Could you be a good candidate for free credit counseling? Ask yourself these questions: Do you feel like you need a break when you sit down to do your bills every month? After you have paid your monthly bills, do you avoid buying anything for two weeks, so you don’t overdraw your account? Do you […]

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How To Choose The Right Nonprofit Credit Counseling Agency

In these difficult economic times, it’s common for people to live from paycheck to paycheck. They worry about dealing with debt collectors constantly. A workable budget seems unreal to them, and money for retirement is out of the question. When people find themselves in such a situation, there is help available. It may be time […]

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How Credit Counseling Can Help You Get A Mortgage

We get asked this question almost every day “Can you get a mortgage if you’ve done credit counseling and are on a Debt Management Program (DMP)?” The short and sweet answer is “YES”! There are a few things that you need to consider though. Consumer credit counseling can get individuals with poor credit scores on […]

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7 Reasons To Get Rid Of Your Credit Cards

If credit card companies had it their way, consumers would charge any and every purchase they make every single day of their lives. Unfortunately, that would only be fun until it came time to pay the enormous bill. While it can be difficult to resist temptation from time to time, there are a few excellent […]

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