Tag: Credit Counseling

10 Warning Signs That You’re In Financial Trouble

Like a summer storm, financial trouble can happen without much warning. Perhaps you’re in financial trouble right now, and you have no idea. That’s why it’s so important to know and understand the most common financial warning signs of a serious problem. Some people out there don’t realize that they are one “life-changing” event away […]

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Find Out How To Conquer Your Debt Right Now

It’s a dilemma that seems to be plaguing everyone to some degree these days. Yes, we are talking about credit card debt. Millions of Americans are affected by this type of financial debt. For some, it’s just personal debt, but for others, it may be personal AND business debt. Either way, it spells bad news for the […]

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The Truth About Divorce And Your Debt Responsibility

Divorce can be one of the most mentally and financially distressing events in a person’s life. Strategic debt management and credit counseling options can help alleviate the financial downside of divorce. If you are one of the millions of Americans who has just filed for divorce, you are likely facing emotional suffering. However, you might […]

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What Is A Good Credit Score And Why Does It Matter?

A credit score is a numerical value between 300-850 that someone is assigned to show a potential lender how likely one is to honor their debts. The higher the credit score is, the more trustworthy they appear to the lender. This is also called Creditworthiness in the lending industry. But what is a good credit […]

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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Budgeting And Saving

Most people encounter financial challenges at some point in life; some challenges are more easily resolved than others are. When a person’s primary goals are saving money, budgeting to help make ends meet, and to avoid a financial crisis, there are several helpful tips to keep in mind. How to create a basic budget plan […]

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How Stress-Shopping Might Be Hurting Your Wallet

On more than one occasion, you may find yourself overwhelmed by thoughts about a certain aspect of your life. This is generally referred to as stress. People respond differently to these stressful situations. Others opt to enjoy an outdoor activity like hiking, swimming, or something that engages them to be full, making them loosen up […]

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Reasons Why Debt Management Is Better Than Debt Consolidation

Debt management and debt consolidation are probably at the top of the debt relief options that most people consider. However, choosing between the two is quite a dilemma for many people because they tend to think the two are similar. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only common thing between them is that […]

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How To Help Your Finances Bounce Back After This Year

There’s no question 2020 has been a rocky year across the middle class for finances. Many jobs and investments have been lost as Americans look to a more hopeful future. A strong way to prepare for the new year in the transition back to stable financial health is through consumer credit counseling. Understanding The Credit […]

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How To Protect Your Credit While Dealing With Debt

One of THE most asked questions about a debt management program is, “Will a debt management program hurt my credit score?” Debt management is intimidating enough for many people, but for your financial future, it’s also essential to protect your credit as you move forward. You’re dealing with debt, so the last thing you need […]

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