
Smart Things To Consider When Buying A Home To Help Avoid Foreclosure

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There are many things to think about when buying a home. However, one thing that is often overlooked is what could happen if you end up in foreclosure. Foreclosure is not only costly but also damaging, so it’s important to do everything you can to avoid it. This blog post will discuss three smart things to consider when buying a home to help avoid foreclosure.

Forbearance Plan –

A forbearance plan is an agreement between a homeowner and their mortgage lender to suspend or lower mortgage payments temporarily. This plan is often used when a homeowner experiences financial hardship, such as job loss or unexpected medical expenses. While a forbearance plan can provide much-needed relief in the short term, it’s important to understand that this is not a long-term solution. The suspended payments will still need to be made, which can often be a large lump sum. A forbearance plan can help prevent foreclosure by giving the homeowner some time to get back on their feet financially. However, working with a qualified housing counselor is vital to ensure this is the best option for your situation.

Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure –

A deed in lieu of foreclosure is when the homeowner signs over the deed of the property to the lender to avoid foreclosure on their record. This option may be offered to the homeowner if they cannot make payments and are in danger of going into foreclosure. By signing over the deed, the homeowner agrees to give up their ownership rights to the property and hand it back to the lender. The lender will then proceed with a short sale on the home.

A few benefits come with signing a deed in lieu of foreclosure. One benefit is that there will be no formal foreclosure proceedings, which can save the homeowner time and money. Another benefit is that it will not have as big of an impact on the homeowner’s credit score as a traditional foreclosure would. However, some drawbacks should be considered before signing a deed in lieu of foreclosure. One drawback is that the homeowner is giving up all ownership rights to the property by signing over the deed. This means that they will not be able to sell or rent out the property in the future. It is important to be well informed before agreeing.

Refinancing –

Refinancing involves taking out a new loan with different terms to replace the existing loan. This can be an effective way to lower monthly payments and make them more manageable. In some cases, it may even be possible to negotiate a longer repayment period. Homeowners considering refinancing should speak to their lenders about their options and see if this is a viable solution for their situation.

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Get Foreclosure Prevention Counseling –

One of the best things a homeowner can do if they struggle to make their mortgage payments is to seek foreclosure prevention counseling. This counseling can give homeowners the guidance and resources they need to get back on track financially. A housing counselor can help the homeowner create a budget, work out a payment plan, and negotiate with the lender. They can also guide other options that may be available, such as a loan modification or deed in lieu of foreclosure. If your home is facing foreclosure, you should speak to a credit counseling company like AdvantageCCS who can provide you with all of the options available.



Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only. The materials are general in nature, and are not offered as advice or guarantee, and should not be relied upon without advice from an attorney or a financial advisor. Reading the information does not constitute a legal contract, consulting, or any other relationship with Advantage Credit Counseling Service.
Author: Lauralynn Mangis
Lauralynn is the Online Marketing Specialist for AdvantageCCS. She enjoys writing, reading, hiking, cooking, video games, sewing, and gardening. Lauralynn has a degree in Multimedia Technologies from Pittsburgh Technical College.