Budgeting & Savings

How To Track Expenses In 3 Easy Steps And Never Fail At Budgeting Again

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You might think budgeting is a straightforward process, but it’s pretty difficult for many people. Keeping track of expenses can be challenging if you have irregular income or don’t usually have access to the same type of money at the same time each month. Some people find it challenging to track their spending because they keep so many different financial accounts and often need to log in to several websites or apps to check balances and view transactions. The following are some ways to track your expenses so you can budget like a professional.

Create a Budgeting Tracker –

The first step to budgeting effectively is to create a budgeting tracker. This can be as simple as writing down your monthly personal finances in a notebook or journal, but it’s essential to keep track of your money in multiple places so you don’t miss anything. If you decide to use Excel, you can quickly create a spreadsheet with all your accounts and transactions listed under various tabs.

You can use this spreadsheet to track your monthly spending and income and see where you have money left over at the end of each month. This is an effective way to know where you have extra funds, but it’s also great for seeing what you spend all of your money on.

Track Your Monthly Spending –

Once you have tracked your monthly spending, you can use that information to create your budget. The first step is to determine how much you earn each month. This includes your salary, any other regular income you receive, and any irregular income you might have, such as gift money or a tax refund.

Next, you should determine how much you spend each month, including all regular and irregular payments. Using a spreadsheet to track your expenses and calculate your total monthly spending can be helpful. You can include any recurring cost that occurs on a specific date each month, such as your utility bill or student loan payment.

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You can also include any irregular costs you pay on a periodic basis, such as a one-time fee or gift money you receive. It’s essential to have any expected changes in your spending that might occur during the month, such as a raise in salary or payment due on a loan.

Automate the Process –

If you are not very good at tracking your payments, then setting up an automatic price on a credit card is a great way to ensure you have enough money to cover your costs. If you don’t have the funds to cover it, the card issuer will charge you a penalty, which could put you in serious financial trouble. It’s also easier to track payments if they are automatically deducted from your account rather than manually entered and forgotten about.

You can also link your bank, credit card, and other financial accounts to apps that can help track your spending. You can also set up notifications on these apps to let you know when specific types of transactions happen, such as an unusual withdrawal from your account or a payment that’s being delayed.

Conclusion –

There are many different ways to track expenses and ensure that you have enough money to cover your monthly bills. The most effective way is to create a budget that outlines how much you can spend each month, and then set up automatic payments that come right out of your bank account.

If you have a job but unpredictable income, then your best bet is to create a spreadsheet that tracks your monthly spending and calculates the amount of money you have left over at the end of each month. However, it’s essential to remember that you won’t always have extra money, so you should set up an account that automatically deposits money into your savings account to have access to it.



Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only. The materials are general in nature, and are not offered as advice or guarantee, and should not be relied upon without advice from an attorney or a financial advisor. Reading the information does not constitute a legal contract, consulting, or any other relationship with Advantage Credit Counseling Service.
Author: Lauralynn Mangis
Lauralynn is the Online Marketing Specialist for AdvantageCCS. She enjoys writing, reading, hiking, cooking, video games, sewing, and gardening. Lauralynn has a degree in Multimedia Technologies from Pittsburgh Technical College.