
How Online Bill Pay Can Save You Time and Money

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In the past, the best way to pay bills was by receiving a bill in the mail and sending them a check for payment. This all changed with the development of online bill payment. Having the payments paid online provides many benefits such as saving a lot of time and money due to the convenience it provides.

Before we find out how online bill pay can save so much time and money, the process needs to be understood. Here’s an overview of how it works:

Online Bill Pay –

This bill payment service is provided by financial institutions to assist a customer in making payments without the need of any physical checks. When they have bill pay set up, their checking account will be linked to it so that deductions can be made automatically.

With many companies going paperless, they provide bills electronically and thus easily accept payments through bill pay. If they are not using online bill pay, then chances are it is an available option that their bank provides for free. All they have to do to get started is sign up.

The Benefits Of Online Bill Pay –

There are many benefits to making bill payments online so that they can save time and money. One is having the ability to make payments automated. The payments that can be automated through online bill pay can also be made into recurring payments, such as when you make a mortgage payment. If a payment is of varying amounts, a payment can be scheduled ahead of time to help eliminate late payments. The bank may also provide them with payment reminders so that they can pay bills on time.

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Save Time By Remaining Organized –

If organization is not a strong point for someone, then their finances may quickly become all mixed up. However, paying bills automatically online keeps the finances organized, and they will not need to worry about filing the paper bill away. With online bill pay, the customer can have a direct payment made and be able to see any errors right away. They will also have an organized payment method which will help them keep track of everything more easily.

How Bill Pay Saves Money –

When writing checks to make payments in the past, we had to use an envelope and stamps to send it through the mail. These items cost money and their prices keep steadily increasing. But with the use of online bill pay, it is no longer needed to buy envelopes or stamps. This keeps more money in the bank.

A business will also be able to save money because the online transactions do not cost as much as having to use paper, then create, and print a bill. This keeps the business happy when not much money is spent. These savings can sometimes be passed down to their customers.

Another way online bill pay can save time is not having to wait for a bill to arrive and receive the paper. Customers can have the bill sent to their email. Therefore, the only opening that a customer will be doing is clicking on the email sent to them. This eliminates a lot of hassle and helps maintains the environment. It goes without saying that the environment will have great benefits stemming from bill payments being made online.



Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only. The materials are general in nature, and are not offered as advice or guarantee, and should not be relied upon without advice from an attorney or a financial advisor. Reading the information does not constitute a legal contract, consulting, or any other relationship with Advantage Credit Counseling Service.
Author: Lauralynn Mangis
Lauralynn is the Online Marketing Specialist for AdvantageCCS. She enjoys writing, reading, hiking, cooking, video games, sewing, and gardening. Lauralynn has a degree in Multimedia Technologies from Pittsburgh Technical College.