A credit score is an important part of your credit history and overall is essential for many purchases, loans and other important financial decisions or transactions. It can help determine a lot of things, such as interest rates that you’ll receive. That’s why it is important to fully understand and know what credit score you […]
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Tomorrow is International Credit Union (ICU) Day
The credit union idea arose centuries ago as people worked under a common effort without thought of profit – they put out fires, harvested crops, and avoided high-priced loans by lending to one another. In the 1850’s, hard times hit Germany, and people turned to each other for help. They removed small savings from under […]
Continue ReadingDon’t Miss Out On Free Consumer Credit Reports
Individuals who think they are too busy to inquire about getting free consumer credit reports or that looking at their credit report at least once a year isn’t important, are missing out on something very essential to their financial health. It only takes a few minutes to request a free copy of an individual’s credit […]
Continue ReadingWhy Does My Credit Score Matter?
If you have recently applied for a loan or credit card and you were denied, you might be asking yourself, Why does my credit score even matter? Your credit score is a number that is often used by lenders, creditors, banks, and many others to help evaluate and rate how much of a risk you […]
Continue ReadingHow to Handle Student Loan Debt Collectors
When you default on a student loan, the government will usually hire debt collection agencies to collect on these loans. It’s not quite as straightforward as you might like to think, to try and get this loan to just disappear. The collection agencies are sometimes known to twist their words around to get what they […]
Continue ReadingPros and Cons of Prepaid Debit Cards
Debit cards have become a commodity as many consumers choose to carry less cash and stick to carrying plastic instead. Prepaid debit cards are popular for many individuals because of the convenience of having a debit card but knowing they cannot overdraw from their checking account with it. Before running out to sign up for […]
Continue ReadingWhat to look for when selecting a Credit Union?
Credit unions are a great way to save money and to increase the savings rate that you might be receiving on your interest-bearing account. Unlike their commercial counterparts, credit unions typically offer free accounts with no minimum balance requirements. The benefits of a credit union go far beyond just maintaining an interest-bearing checking account. Customers […]
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