Managing your finances properly can be a tricky business, especially if a person is fresh out of high school or college. He or she might have a new job and a checking account. They might think they are ready to take on the world, but that new income might suffer as a result of improper […]
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When Should You Start Collecting Social Security Benefits
Collecting Social Security Benefits For Retirees – The age at which an individual should begin collecting Social Security depends on his or her unique circumstances. The longer an individual can delay collecting, the higher the monthly benefit amount will be. Ultimately, the total amount collected will probably be about the same. Those who start collecting […]
Continue Reading10 Financial Lessons You Need To Know Before You Hit 40
Learning to manage money and make good financial decisions does not come naturally to many people. Young adults are often tempted to put off these lessons until some future date, assuming they have many years ahead to earn an income and actually prepare for the future. Most of us have made some financial missteps along […]
Continue ReadingWorld Backup Day: 4 Ways To Protect Your Devices Against Hacks
March 31st is World Backup Day, the brainchild of a couple users on Reddit who, after losing their own information, wanted to raise awareness about the many ways data is playing an increasingly important role in our lives, and how critical it’s become to regularly backup and protect your digital information. “It’s not only a […]
Continue ReadingTax Season Fraud and Identity Theft
Founded by the Federal Trade Commission, Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week sets aside 5 days to encourage and educate taxpayers to protect their tax and personal identification information. As reports show, there was a staggering 400% increase in tax-related phishing attacks during the 2016 filing season. Therefore, it’s important that taxpayers are aware of the […]
Continue ReadingConsumer Credit Laws And What You Need To Know About Them
There are certain laws in place specifically meant to help consumers in terms of credit, debt, and the lending industry. The Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA) is a consumer credit law that was enacted in 1968 to ensure that consumers in the United States would receive only fair and honest credit practices. Some examples included […]
Continue ReadingHow to Choose a Non-Profit Debt Management Company
Finding a good debt management solution becomes extremely important when your only alternatives are bankruptcy or continuing to miss payments and ruining your credit. If you’re in this position currently, there is a bright side to your cloudy financial sky: a non-profit debt management solution. This option involves enlisting the help of an organization that exists to […]
Continue ReadingDo You Really Need to Hire a Tax Professional?
Tax preparation can vary from extremely difficult to extremely easy. For those who have a lot of deductions, using a professional tax service might be the best option. The more difficult the forms, the more sense it makes to hire someone to prepare the taxes. When a person has few or no deductions, the taxes […]
Continue ReadingGuarding Your Credit
With the growing concern about financial fraud and identity theft, getting protected has become more important than ever. It’s imperative to gain awareness on how to effectively look after yourself and your finances in this digital world. Also, in an unstable economy, the sudden loss of a job can create a financial crisis and you […]
Continue ReadingThe High Cost of Rent to Own
The concept of rent to own can be very appealing to people with low credit scores and who are short on cash but wish to purchase new electronics, appliances, or furniture. Rent to own stores make it possible to own items that you may not otherwise be able to afford. Because you don’t have to […]
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