Category: Dealing with Debt

Remarkable Free Credit Counseling Services in Ohio

Ohio residents facing debt problems should consider free credit counseling as a solution! Few and fortunate are those residents in Ohio for whom unexcepted life events such as layoffs do not destroy their financial situation. Some Ohio residents live paycheck-to-paycheck, and if unemployed, will see their credit scores take heavy hits. There is free help provided […]

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Secured And Unsecured Debt

What are the differences between them? – Not all debt is the same! There are two main types of consumer debt: unsecured and secured. The type of debt can affect what happens in the case of default, bankruptcy, debt negotiation, and much more. Consumers who want to practice smart debt management should understand the type […]

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Solve Your Debt Problems With Consumer Credit Counseling

Consumer Credit Counseling Services can help protect your credit score by assisting in devising a plan that helps you pay it all back on time and avoid filing for bankruptcy. Staying on top of your monthly bills and properly managing your budget makes the difference between ruining your credit and building positive credit history. Finding […]

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Credit Counseling Is Available In California

Millions of Americans deal with debt every single day. The most common cause of debt is due to having too many credit cards, but it isn’t as easy as cutting up your credit cards or avoiding using them altogether. Many people use their credit cards because it is a quick and effortless way for them […]

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Reduce Your Debt and Stress at the Same Time

Financial trouble is one of the leading causes of stress in adults, and high debt balances are one of the top financial concerns people have. You may have high balances on your credit cards, and you may be stressing out about how you are going to pay them off. In some cases, the amount of […]

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What Happens When You Pay Off A Loan Early?

Living with debt is an expensive and super stressful experience. Though the road may seem long, paying off debts and loans will strengthen your financial future. Nearly every type of loan can be paid off early and there are a few different ways to go about it. You may choose to make larger monthly payments, […]

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How To Deal With Student Loan Debt

Congratulations on completing college! But maybe you’re not in a celebrating mood because your first student loan payment is due? You might be a college graduate in a rough or competitive job market, and have more student loan debt, credit card debt, or other debts than you can handle. You might be struggling to find […]

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A Woman’s Salary and Debt Management

Women, the wage gap, and debt management If you are a woman, you’re more likely to lose money over the course of your working lifetime than your male business counterparts. That’s a scary thought because it’s the truth. The money you don’t make is money you never get to see. It means you’ll have less […]

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Tips to Avoid Late Fees

One household alone can have a dozen or more bills that come in each month. Each bill has a different due date that must be followed or else a penalty occurs. These charges can be more than $25 for each occurrence, and the tardiness is quickly recorded on your credit history. We all know that […]

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How to Get Out of an Upside Down Car Loan

Next to mortgage or rent payments, owning an automobile is the second largest household expense in the United States today. Gas, maintenance, repairs, and insurance can hit our wallets hard each month in addition to regular loan payments on the vehicle itself. Also, hidden within those loan payments, one cost that many of us may […]

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