Category: Dealing with Debt

The Best Way To Handle Payday Loan Debt

More than 12 million Americans take out payday loans every year, and a significant number of these advances go into default. It is estimated that borrowers pay more than nine billion dollars in loan fees and are more susceptible to suffering the snowball effect when accepting the terms of a short-term loan such as a […]

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Debt Management for College Students: How To Deal With The Debt

When you are a student in college the last thing on your mind is saving money, debt management, the wise use of credit, and pretty much anything having to do with budgeting or finances. But college can actually create a financial future full of debt and doubt if you aren’t careful. You’ll receive many credit […]

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The Truth About Debt And Credit Counseling

How Did I End Up Here – If you were to write a story or song about your financial status would it leave people reaching for a box of tissues? If so, you’re not alone. Many people across America have found themselves struggling with credit card debt. Part of the problem is the ease at […]

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The Remarkable Benefits of Credit and Bankruptcy Counseling

You’re in debt. Like many other people, you may not be exactly sure how you got here. Maybe you are a recent college graduate with an ample amount of student loans. Or maybe you’re a single parent who has just been laid off due to the difficult economic times and is having trouble making your […]

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Do You Need Free Consumer Credit Counseling?

If you are in debt and owe a considerable amount of money to your creditors, you may be a good candidate for free consumer credit counseling. You shouldn’t have to worry about receiving continuous calls from collection agencies or how you’re going to be able to save for your eventual retirement. Credit counseling is available […]

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Wonderful Debt Management Tips for College Students

Before investing in a college education, many students ask themselves questions such as “How much should I spend on school?”, “How much should I borrow in loans?”, “How much student loan debt is too much?”, and “How can I attend school and keep my credit clean?” There is no one-size-fits-all answer to these types of […]

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A Comprehensive Glossary of Debt Terminology

There are many terms used when it comes to credit counseling, debt, debt collections, and debt relief. Knowing what the various terms mean can help when you’re trying to get your finances back on track. We’ve decided to create a debt terminology glossary for you to take the guesswork out of managing your finances! Here is a […]

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Choose a Non-Profit Debt Management Solution

If you’re in a situation where you’re about to be forced into bankruptcy, or you’re already missing payments that affect your credit, a debt management solution is perhaps the only option. Those in this sort of situation should consider a non-profit debt management solution. Organizations are out there that exist purely to help those who […]

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Non-Profit Debt Relief versus For-Profit Debt Relief

There are many different programs available that are designed to help consumers better manage and pay off their debts. Most of these programs can be separated into two distinct categories – non-profit debt relief and for-profit debt relief. Although these programs often have similar features, there is one important aspect that sets them apart. Let’s […]

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A Little Preparation Helps When Trying To Get Out Of Debt

Debt is so easy to slip into and so very difficult to get out of. People can find themselves paying more and more of their monthly income to their creditors, leaving less for them and their families to live on. If they want to get out of debt, they need to start by doing some […]

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