Many people are wondering what to do about their credit card bills now that they are out of work because of the Coronavirus pandemic. There’s some good news! If you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to meet your financial obligations, consider applying for a credit card deferment. Most card issuers are […]
Continue ReadingCategory: Dealing with Debt
How To Discuss A Temporary Financial Hardship With Your Creditors
Modern financial markets are constantly on the move. The recent spread of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 has sent global stock markets into a significant phase of volatility, with the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average seemingly up or down by 2000 points daily. Not only is the virus affecting long-term stock investors, but it is also […]
Continue ReadingAre Debt Consolidation Services Right For You?
Many people have found themselves in tremendous debt with no idea how to get out of it. Some lost control of their spending on clothes, entertainment, or other frivolous things, and others had to use credit cards because they had no other funds for emergencies like a car breaking down or a leaking roof. No […]
Continue ReadingHow To Handle That Old Debt
Dealing with old debt is a nuisance for most people who’ve likely moved on with their lives or even forgotten about the debt completely. But, as they say, old things come back to haunt us. You’ll find a bit of relief, however, because it’s much easier to handle older debts than new. With the right […]
Continue ReadingHidden Fees Can Derail Your Debt Management
Debt management and debt reduction efforts can be difficult for many people. You may find it challenging to pay your bills on time and reducing debt balances can be even more difficult. If you have researched debt reduction strategies in the past, you have found that paying more than the minimum monthly payment required can […]
Continue Reading5 Student Loan Forgiveness Scams To Watch Out For
Student loan debt is a serious problem facing many Americans today, and it cannot be resolved overnight. Graduating from college is a laudable action, and many young people feel a great sense of accomplishment and motivation as they walk across the stage and enter the world of full-time work. However, not too long after […]
Continue ReadingWhat Does Credit Counseling Offer A Person In Debt?
Many people in the world are currently overwhelmed with bills they’ve accumulated from unsecured debt like credit cards and loans. When bills go awry, it can be difficult for a person to climb his or her way out from under the debt rock. Fortunately, there is a way to recover from credit card debt issues. […]
Continue ReadingHow To Get Out Of Debt All By Yourself
No matter what your current financial situation is, if you signed for a loan, you are obligated to pay it back even if you have a major life-changing event like losing a job or getting a divorce. Many people try to get out of debt, but life slaps them in the face hard enough that […]
Continue ReadingIs Non-Profit Debt Consolidation Right For You?
There can come a point where credit card debt can build up to levels that become overwhelming and too much for people to deal with. Maybe they’re already getting collection calls or getting mail that has bad news of what could happen if they don’t start paying up. When this starts happening, there are usually […]
Continue ReadingHow To Deal With Aggressive Debt Collectors
Did your phone just ring again for the 50th time today? Are you wondering if it’s another debt collector? Dealing with aggressive debt collectors can be scary and time-consuming. Here are some tips on how you can deal with antagonistic or overbearing debt collectors who affect your life negatively. Talk to Them About Your Debt […]
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