Category: Dealing with Debt

Credit Counseling and Budget Counseling FAQs

Individuals who are in debt and are thinking about filing for bankruptcy may want to consider alternatives that are available. One alternative is to seek a credit counseling program or a budget counseling program. Counseling can be a tool that allows consumers to help pay off their debt in as little time as possible. 1. […]

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The Importance of Consumer Debt Education

When facing crippling debt and an avalanche of past due notices, a consumer’s thoughts often turn towards bankruptcy, a seemingly traditional approach to solving ones financial difficulties in the short-term. In many cases, bankruptcy is only a temporary fix, rather than the cure. The underlying problems continue to exist even if the balance sheets are […]

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Why You Should Choose a Non-Profit Credit Counseling Agency

A non-profit credit counseling agency can be an excellent choice for consumers who are struggling to pay their bills and fear their credit rating is perhaps slipping. Credit counseling can potentially stop collection calls from harassing creditors and put consumers back on track for having a good credit rating. Most people who have availed themselves […]

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The Many Benefits of Online Bankruptcy Counseling (Pre-Filing Bankruptcy Certificate)

Online Bankruptcy Counseling is a pre-filing counseling session that is required for all consumers who are in the beginning stages of filing for bankruptcy relief and for those consumers who’ve not yet received a bankruptcy case number. If you have a bankruptcy case number, then you need the Bankruptcy Education session in order to get your Pre-Discharge […]

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Consumer Credit Counseling Services in California

California is one of the most stringent states when it comes to paying back loans. In California the bankruptcy process is set up against the borrower it would seem, especially if the borrower is a small business owner without enough money for a dedicated team of lawyers. If you are in serious trouble with credit […]

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Online Bankruptcy Education

Online Bankruptcy Education is a pre-discharge bankruptcy counseling session that is required for all consumers who have filed for bankruptcy and who have received a bankruptcy case number. You must complete either a face-to-face session, telephone session, or online session within 45 days of your “341 Meeting of Creditors” (hearing). The counseling session will help […]

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How to Find Free Debt Management Help

In today’s failing economy, individuals are finding themselves with many bills that they are unable to pay. The amount of debt is far exceeding most individual’s paychecks leaving them with increased difficulty in meeting their financial obligations. Some individuals find themselves searching for free debt management help and others are facing bankruptcy or foreclosure. When […]

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Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement vs. Debt Management Program

Debt Consolidation – Debt consolidation typically involves taking out a lower interest loan to pay off multiple high interest secured or unsecured debts such as credit cards. The lowest interest rate consolidation loan is generally secured against the borrower’s assets such as a home or a car. Because credit card debts have such high interest […]

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Medical Bills and Debt Collection Rules

Going to a doctor or emergency room for needed treatment is gradually becoming more expensive. Many individuals and families are finding that even after insurance coverage pays for many of the costs, high medical bills are still sent to the home. It is not always easy to manage payments on the bills and delinquent accounts […]

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Credit Management Tips and Advice

Your  credit score is not something you can instantly fix and then see immediate results. Credit scores are like your driving record with all of your past mistakes clearly visible. The credit bureaus take into account years of past behavior, not just your present actions. Many negative or bad marks could stay on your credit […]

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