Many consumers think bankruptcy is the best option. While it is one way to get rid of debt quickly, it is wise for a person to think about their financial future as a whole. Not only that, but one must understand a few other things when it comes to filing the seemingly never-ending paperwork. With […]
Continue ReadingCategory: Dealing with Debt
What to do if You Default on a Student Loan
It’s possible that you didn’t realize your loan came out of deferment, and you missed some payments. Unfortunately, we see this kind of thing all the time. If you’ve missed even one payment, then you are at risk of defaulting on your student loan. Defaulting on your loan has some serious consequences. However, we’re going […]
Continue ReadingWhat is a Form B23 and Why do I Need It?
The Bankruptcy Form B23 is essential to finish the last steps of your bankruptcy discharge. In a Chapter 7 case, the Form B23 along with your Personal Financial Management Course Certificate (pre-discharge certificate), must be filed within 45 days after the first 341(a) Meeting of Creditors has happened. In a Chapter 13 case, it must […]
Continue ReadingHow to Get out of Debt
The recent recession affected the financial lives of people all over the country. The recession led to much higher rates of unemployment and underemployment. Because of this, many people needed to rely on credit cards to meet all of their financial obligations and pay for emergencies that arose. While this may have been a good […]
Continue ReadingUnderstanding What Debt-to-Income Ratio Means
Your debt to income ratio (DTI) is a key component of how healthy your credit is. It has no effect on your actual credit score, but lenders take it into consideration when it comes to applying for a mortgage or other major loans. Lenders use the DTI ratio to help them to calculate how much […]
Continue ReadingHow Much is Your Debt Really Costing You?
We have a guest blog post for you from Katie Bryan over at America Saves. We partner with America Saves, because they are a national campaign linking more than 1,000 Non-Profit, government, and corporate groups that encourages consumers to save money and build personal wealth. We stand behind their message and mission. We are always […]
Continue ReadingThe Value of Credit Counseling in Everyday Life
Credit counseling is often an overlooked free financial tool in our busy everyday lives. We need good credit for everything these days as we transition to less and less cash in our lives. The truth is good credit is not only for financing, but it’s also essential in setting up utilities, getting a cellular phone, […]
Continue ReadingFree Credit Counseling Could Help You Get Out Of Debt
Debt is an American epidemic that plagues the majority of the population. Sometimes income is no sooner earned than it is spent in trying to get out of debt. Credit cards are the most common culprit. They are relatively easy to obtain and certainly very easy to use. That’s just the problem. Massive credit card […]
Continue ReadingDebt Management Starts With Changing Your Behavior
Do you find yourself deep in debt? Have you enrolled or experimented with any debt settlement programs, but that just left you worse off than before? Are you tired of worrying about money every month? If so, you are not alone. Millions of Americans find themselves in a similar situation every single day. If you […]
Continue ReadingThe Benefits of Free Consumer Credit Counseling
Credit is one of the most important tools a consumer can have. In today’s society credit is vital to being able to have financial influence and being able to navigate as a consumer. A person has to protect their credit and safeguard it. Once an individual gets labeled as having bad credit, it can be […]
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