Online shopping is quick, easy, and has the potential to save you a lot of money. When you usually go out shopping you aren’t just spending money for the things that you planned to buy. You’re also spending money on gas, food, and impulse purchases that you may not even think about. With online shopping you don’t […]
Continue ReadingAuthor: Lauralynn
Advantage CCS is Updating and Expanding our Free Online Budgeting Tool
Advantage CCS is offering a completely free Online Budget Advisor tool in order to help consumers everywhere with creating and maintaining a realistic household budget. The Online Budget Advisor tool allows individuals to go through a simple step-by-step process that can offer recommendations about budget areas that may need improvement. There are certain events in […]
Continue ReadingInfographic: Great Money Saving Tips For 2013
We’ve all heard this financial advice before: pack your lunch, skip the coffee shop latte, set up an emergency fund, and grow your retirement savings. But how often do these suggestions translate into dramatically changing your financial future? You may not act on financial advice if you’re puzzled about your overall financial picture. For example, […]
Continue ReadingVideo: All About Advantage Credit Counseling Service, Inc.
This video is a wonderful overview and a close look at Advantage Credit Counseling Service, Inc. As a National Non-Profit credit counseling organization, the Agency provides professional, meaningful and confidential consumer education, credit counseling and develops effective debt management programs for all segments of the community that we serve. The Agency educates consumers about wise money […]
Continue ReadingCredit Counseling and Budget Counseling FAQs
Individuals who are in debt and are thinking about filing for bankruptcy may want to consider alternatives that are available. One alternative is to seek a credit counseling program or a budget counseling program. Counseling can be a tool that allows consumers to help pay off their debt in as little time as possible. 1. […]
Continue ReadingWays to Save Money on the Holidays Next Year by Starting Today!
You’ve finally finished gift shopping for everyone on your list (maybe), you have the menu all planned out for the big family dinner, and other than cleaning the house or doing other daily chores, you might actually be getting ready to relax and enjoy this holiday season. But don’t let your guard down just yet. If you […]
Continue ReadingToday is Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday)
We all know about the post-Thanksgiving sales spectacle known as Black Friday and then came the online version called Cyber Monday. Now, many charitable groups want to start a new holiday tradition, called Giving Tuesday and the very first one is today! It may seem a little astonishing that no one came up with the […]
Continue ReadingThe Worst Scams of 2012 and How to Avoid Falling for Them
The Internet is vast and expanding everyday at a rapid pace. This can make keeping your identity safe and protected a daunting task because of online shopping, email phishing scams, and other online activity that most people partake in. The number of Internet scams and identity theft cases has most certainly increased and you need […]
Continue ReadingVeterans Day Deals and Specials
Now that the 2012 presidential election is over with, we can focus our energy on thanking all of the brave men and women who currently serve in our armed forces and also our Veterans who have served this country proudly. In the United States, Veterans Day is usually observed on November 11th. However, if it occurs […]
Continue ReadingWhite Paper: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Your Credit Report
Advantage CCS has released a new White Paper that is meant to educate consumers on how to properly read a credit report and how maintaining a good credit history is essential to their overall financial standing. The White Paper, explains that individuals with bad credit suffer the consequences of either being totally denied for loans […]
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