Setting a spending budget is one way to help control personal finances, but there are other factors that need to be considered to ensure one keeps to the budget that is set. Consumers are often offered a variety of options when it comes to purchases. Choosing to purchase an item or service out of convenience […]
Continue ReadingAuthor: Lauralynn
Should Your Teenager Have A Credit Card?
According to TransUnion, 20 percent of people who are between the ages of 13 and 18 have a credit card. However, many parents are still reluctant to give their teen a credit card. There are negatives that come along with it. For example, teens who do not use their credit cards responsibly can potentially ruin their credit […]
Continue ReadingIt’s All About Property Taxes And Reassessment
As many as 60 percent of properties across the country are over-assessed, according to the National Taxpayers Union, a nonprofit group that promotes lower taxes. Many people don’t fully understand what a reassessment is and what it could mean for your property taxes. What is a reassessment? – Let’s start with the definition of Reassessment […]
Continue ReadingHow to Build a Strong Financial House with Housing Counseling
For most Americans, buying a home is the largest purchase they will make in their lifetime. But it’s not enough to know what neighborhood, style of house, or square footage you want. Consumers also need to have their financial affairs in order prior to considering homeownership. A consumer’s financial history and credit rating are two […]
Continue ReadingHow To Budget When You Are Broke
If you have a low income or no income right now, then it may seem like it is impossible to set a budget. Budgeting is a lot harder when your income is low. However, there are several things that you can do to live within your means. It takes dedication, hard work, and patience, but you […]
Continue ReadingRidiculously Simple Ways To Improve Your Finances
Personal finance articles and websites contain plenty of helpful pieces of advice to take control of a difficult financial situation and learn how to improve it. Unfortunately, many of the methods are either excessively complex or do not pertain to an individual’s or family’s real-life circumstances. These people want answers that work for them. Luckily, […]
Continue ReadingFree Credit Counseling Can Relieve the Stress of Debt
Could you be a good candidate for free credit counseling? Ask yourself these questions: Do you feel like you need a break when you sit down to do your bills every month? After you have paid your monthly bills, do you avoid buying anything for two weeks, so you don’t overdraw your account? Do you […]
Continue ReadingRemarkable Ways To Cut College Tuition Costs
For many high school students, the next step after graduation is to head off to college, but paying for college can be an obstacle. With the cost of secondary education on the rise, you may want to examine some of the ways you can cut college tuition costs in order to achieve your higher education […]
Continue ReadingHow To Choose The Right Nonprofit Credit Counseling Agency
In these difficult economic times, it’s common for people to live from paycheck to paycheck. They worry about dealing with debt collectors constantly. A workable budget seems unreal to them, and money for retirement is out of the question. When people find themselves in such a situation, there is help available. It may be time […]
Continue ReadingHow Credit Counseling Can Help You Get A Mortgage
We get asked this question almost every day “Can you get a mortgage if you’ve done credit counseling and are on a Debt Management Program (DMP)?” The short and sweet answer is “YES”! There are a few things that you need to consider though. Consumer credit counseling can get individuals with poor credit scores on […]
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