No matter what your current financial situation is, if you signed for a loan, you are obligated to pay it back even if you have a major life-changing event like losing a job or getting a divorce. Many people try to get out of debt, but life slaps them in the face hard enough that […]
Continue ReadingAuthor: Lauralynn
Simple Life Hacks That Will Save You Money
Life hacks are amazing and if you do a quick Internet search you’ll find life hacks for just about everything. There are countless websites that have time-saving hacks, laundry-saving hacks, Netflix hacks, money-saving hacks, and so much more. Since we’re interested in educating the public about ways to save money, get out of debt, and […]
Continue ReadingCommon Money Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid
It can be hard for people to manage their money properly without doing a little research first. There are also BIG mistakes that people can make that will make it even harder for them to manage their money in the future. A life that’s free of debt that allows you and your family to be happy isn’t […]
Continue ReadingWhat Is The Biggest Risk To Your Financial Success?
Nearly everyone has ideas about what would affect their financial success most in today’s risky investment world. While the economy is doing well now, there always are times when the stock market goes down and even crashes in some cases, and some might consider the volatility of investing there as the biggest threat. Some may […]
Continue ReadingIs Non-Profit Debt Consolidation Right For You?
There can come a point where credit card debt can build up to levels that become overwhelming and too much for people to deal with. Maybe they’re already getting collection calls or getting mail that has bad news of what could happen if they don’t start paying up. When this starts happening, there are usually […]
Continue Reading20 Effective Ways To Save Money In College
Attending college may offer you some of the best years of your life, especially if you intend to live on campus. Tuition and cost of living, however, is not precisely economical, regardless of your major or your choice of university. Have you ever heard anyone say “I’m as broke as a college student”? There’s a […]
Continue ReadingThe Best Reasons For Investing in Solar Panels
Solar power is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of renewable energy. Many people turn to solar power for their homes so that they are able to reduce their carbon footprint as well as their utility bills. While installing solar panels will typically require an initial investment, they will eventually pay for themselves […]
Continue ReadingWhat You Need To Know About The Equifax Data Breach Settlement
With 147 million consumers impacted, the scale of the 2017 Equifax data breach is the largest in cybersecurity history. From full names and dates of birth to driver’s license numbers and social security numbers, the data breach enabled hackers to gain access to a plethora of information about some 56 percent of all American consumers. […]
Continue ReadingLearn Budgeting Basics For Successful Money Management
Learning the skills of money management can help individuals in so many areas of life. For example, when people want to save up money to purchase their first homes or to return to school, they can harness the power of budgeting. Having a budget also helps individuals to manage their income on a daily basis. […]
Continue Reading12 Ways To Shop Smarter This Year
Money is one of the things people worry about the most. On a regular basis, families and individuals make schedule adjustments due to job obligations and choose cars and houses based primarily on their budget. Finances affect every part of life, so exercising prudence and discipline when you shop is crucial for most people. Whether […]
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