Many people are wondering what to do about their credit card bills now that they are out of work because of the Coronavirus pandemic. There’s some good news! If you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to meet your financial obligations, consider applying for a credit card deferment. Most card issuers are […]
Continue ReadingAuthor: Lauralynn
A How To Guide For Surviving Unemployment
Since the coronavirus pandemic began nationwide, the jobless rates started to increase rapidly. Now, the national average unemployment rate jumped up to 4.4% in March. A record 22 million people filed for the program in just four weeks. People are either getting laid off or furloughed. Also, it’s predicted that over 47 MILLION people could […]
Continue Reading7 Financial Steps To Make If You Are Suddenly Out Of A Job
The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe global health and adverse economic effects. If you’ve suddenly found yourself without a job due to your company’s rapid closure or your small business going under, there are actions you can take to protect your finances and gain some financial stability. Losing a job can be an extremely traumatic […]
Continue ReadingHow To Discuss A Temporary Financial Hardship With Your Creditors
Modern financial markets are constantly on the move. The recent spread of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 has sent global stock markets into a significant phase of volatility, with the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average seemingly up or down by 2000 points daily. Not only is the virus affecting long-term stock investors, but it is also […]
Continue ReadingHow To Protect Your Travel Plans From The Coronavirus
If nothing else, the current Coronavirus pandemic has made it crystal clear that personal or business travel plans are always at risk. Things happen in life that no one has any control over. One area where this is causing problems for people all over the world is as it relates to cruises, air travel, and […]
Continue ReadingHow To Handle Unexpected Expenses With No Credit
Unexpected expenses come in different forms – the emergency vet bill when your beloved dog swallows a screw, an impromptu get-together with the old high school gang out of town, a subscription charge after forgetting to unsubscribe from the free trial service you were trying out. In many cases, a line of credit is ready […]
Continue ReadingHow To Spring Clean Your Finances
The spring season is almost upon us, which means it will be time for some spring cleaning. However, while many will focus on cleaning their homes, you should be really focusing on your finances. There are many things that you will have to do to maintain your cash flow and other financial related responsibilities. Spring […]
Continue ReadingAre Debt Consolidation Services Right For You?
Many people have found themselves in tremendous debt with no idea how to get out of it. Some lost control of their spending on clothes, entertainment, or other frivolous things, and others had to use credit cards because they had no other funds for emergencies like a car breaking down or a leaking roof. No […]
Continue Reading7 Things You Should Know About Personal Loans
In today’s world of instant gratification and technology, people often turn to Internet loans to take care of an emergency when savings funds are not available. There are different sites that provide “instant” Internet loans that can provide money by the next business day. Some instant loans may require sensitive financial documentation from the borrower. […]
Continue ReadingHow To Handle That Old Debt
Dealing with old debt is a nuisance for most people who’ve likely moved on with their lives or even forgotten about the debt completely. But, as they say, old things come back to haunt us. You’ll find a bit of relief, however, because it’s much easier to handle older debts than new. With the right […]
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